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Terminology Explained
Window Spacers
When it comes to the energy efficiency of multi-pane windows, do window spacers make a significant difference?
Terminology Explained
Trim, Capping, Cladding...
Understanding the various ways to finish the exterior of windows and doors is crucial for achieving the desired outcome. This blog entry explores different finishing options and provides visual comparisons to guide you through the selection process.
Terminology Explained
Self-Cleaning Windows
Dirty windows can have a profoundly negative effect on your mood, and your outlook. Everything's so much more invigorating through clean windows! And it doesn't have to be a chore to keep them that way!
Terminology Explained
Sash vs No Sash Windows
When considering the overall appearance of a window, choosing the right sash option can significantly impact the lighting and aesthetics of your home. This article aims to shed new light on the benefits and drawbacks of sash and sashless windows.
Window Type
Bay and Bow Windows
Beautiful inside and out, bay and bow windows add character, make a dramatic statement to the exterior and interior of a home, and increase curb appeal.
Window Type
Slider Configurations
Horizontal slider windows are one of the more economical styles of operational windows available. They are ideal for basements, bathrooms, and kitchens and are available in four slider configurations to suit your needs.
Window Type
Slider Pros & Cons
Slider windows are the perfect choice for wide horizontal configurations. They are conventional, simple, and stylish depending on the options being chosen. Plus, they are relatively easy-to-clean. But, are they the right window for you?
Window Type
Awning Pros & Cons
Awning windows are the perfect choice for horizontal and vertical orientations. They are conventional and stylish, and there are lots of aesthetic and energy-saving options available, but are they the right window for you?
Window Type
Casement Pros & Cons
Casement windows are becoming one of the most popular styles of a window that you can buy. They are traditional, stylish, easy-to-use and available in so many options, but are they right window for you?
Window Type
Hung Pros & Cons
Hung windows are the most popular style of window that you can buy. They are traditional, stylish, easy-to-clean and available in so many options, but are they right window for you?
Window Type
Window Energy Efficiency
Does the type of window you choose really matter when you are trying to maximize the energy efficiency of your home? That's a good question!
Window Cleaning
Free E-Book
Window cleaning might not seem challenging, but achieving optimal results requires precision. For the best outcomes on your next window cleaning task, explore our 9-page ULTIMATE window cleaning guide.
Window Cleaning
The basics
Window cleaning might not seem challenging, but achieving optimal results requires precision. For the best outcomes on your next window cleaning task, explore our basic window cleaning guide.
Window Cleaning
30 Common Myths
Struggling with streaks, smudges, or unclear windows despite your best efforts? You're not alone. Many homeowners unknowingly fall for common window cleaning myths, often leading to poor results or even damage. But fear not—by debunking these misconceptions, we’ll help you achieve sparkling clean windows that enhance your home's brightness and beauty.
Window Cleaning
Do's and Don'ts
There's a right and wrong way to do everything, even when cleaning windows. Here are a few not-so-obvious tips that could help make your window cleaning safer, more efficient and even easier.